Looking for a last minute, but meaningful gift to give for Christmas? This Joy Jar is so easy and can really spread Christmas cheer this holiday season.
While we originally did this gift as a class gift for my son’s teacher, I really think you could do it for anyone. I know a grandparent would love a Joy Jar from all his or her grandchildren.
Spread Joy with a Joy Jar
Supplies Needed:
Black Flair Pens
Christmas Cardstock
Christmas Stickers
Christmas Ribbon
It’s simply, really. Just take a jar and decorate it with ribbon and the letters to spell out J-O-Y. I used card stock letters and paper, but you can simply use letter stickers on the outside. Or maybe even one of those paint pens that works on glass if you are artistic.
Next, decide how you will fill the jar with messages. Because we did ours as a Christmas gift, I collected different special thick, glittery holiday themed papers (cardstock) and stickers that had sparkle and sheen to them. I also thought the paper would sparkle more from inside the jar that way.
Then, I cut up the paper into small pieces and attached different Christmas stickers to them. I went to the children and let them pick out their favorite piece of paper and then we talked about joy. I explained how we wanted the teacher to feel that kind of joy and happiness by knowing how much we loved and appreciated her and everything she did for the class. The kids told me different things to write about the teacher on their paper. The older students could write their own, obviously.
The kids wrote about things they liked about their teacher, but also their favorite things she did for them (like reading a chapter book to them after lunch). I really tried to help them come up with more words than “She is nice.”
If you are doing the Joy Jar as a gift for a grandparent and you have grand kids in multiple locations, you could have the kids decorate their own cards and mail them to you to put together in a jar before you wrap it up. Or if it’s really last minute (like I would do!) just do the cards for them based on what they tell you to write and sign their names on each card.
When you give your joy jar, explain the gift and if it is for someone older, help them read through all of their notes. I know our teacher loved her Joy Jar so much that she put it on her desk for the rest of the school year!
I think you could give a Joy Jar at anytime of year, but at Christmastime especially I really love the idea of spreading joy and Christmas cheer.
Looking for other easy, meaningful DIY gift ideas? Check out Meaningful Gift for Friends, Neighbors and Teachers.

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