I am sure it is no surprise to you that I signed up right away to be the class party mom for both of my boys’ classes! The only problem was how to entertain the older kids (my oldest was a 5th grader at the time) with activities that were fun and interesting, but still “cool” enough for older kids. I did lots of research ahead of time, so I wanted to show you what I found to be the best activities for a Halloween Class Party for older children.
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The first thing I like to do is find a snack that doubles as an activity. I found lots of great ideas but most of them seemed too “babyish” for my son and his friends. Until I found this blog post here about making a donut bar that replicates donuts from the place in Oregon called Voodoo Donuts They make really popular donuts with unique flavors and toppings. While I didn’t bring in bacon like the original store, I found all kinds of Halloween candy (like gummy boogers!) and cereal (Count Chocula, anyone?), Halloween Oreos and of course, candy corn!
Needless to say, this activity was a huge hit with the kids! Of course anything with sweets will probably be a success at their age. While the picture I show here shows an overload of candy, not all the kids did this. Most just spread a little frosting to attach their favorite cereal topping. And each child only had one donut with water or milk as a snack- no juice with added sugar! But all in all, I figured it was Halloween and most parents let the kids go candy crazy one day a year! =)
The next thing I did when planning the class party for the upper elementary grades, was consider what could keep them entertained (the key to a party that isn’t too chaotic!) while they were eating their masterpieces. I settled on a few simple games that allowed the kids just to be social and hang out causally, talk and hopefully laugh!
I found and purchased a few Halloween printable games from Teachers Pay Teachers that included Halloween versions of Mad Libs, Tabboo, Battleship and Would You Rather? I set up all the games at a game table in the back of the room so that the kids could come pick out a game to play with a friend or their table group while they ate their weight in sugar.
Recently, I came up with a new Printable Halloween Party Game that would be perfect for this age group. And even better, I made it as a free printable for you! =) You can read all about our Skeleton Hangman game here.
Overall, it was a successful party and I think the kids had a good time. We came up with some funny Mad Libs (my favorite!) and we got into some lively discussions over if we would rather spend the night in a haunted house or a coffin. The teacher and the principal had asked that we keep the party low-key and I think we definitely did that. The other reason I know that I planned a good class party for my 5th grader? I didn’t embarrass him with some cutesy craft, so I count that as a win! =)
**Edited to Add: I just started planning a Class Halloween Party for my 4th grader as well and this one was even better because the kids planned it themselves! Found out what the kids wanted to do by going to this Upper Elementary Class Halloween Party with Free Printable Party Planner!
Looking for more Halloween Class Party Inspiration? Check out my Facebook Page where I am sharing activities, games and snacks perfect for school and home this Halloween!
Still looking for more ideas for your older student’s Class Halloween Party? Then check out my Pinterest board! Hope it helps inspire you!

Hi, Shannon. I stumbled upon your blog when I was doing some research about a product of mine on Teachers Pay Teachers. It’s a Halloween Taboo Game. It has had some traffic from the link you provided in the blog. First, thank you for the sale!!! Secondly, thank you for linking! I see that you’re a former teacher, so I’m sure you know how much I appreciate it. I’ve found my way around your log, and I LOVE it! I’m so glad I found you. Anyway, thanks again, and enjoy the game. :)
Keep Calm and Teach
You are so welcome! Thanks for sharing your game with us- it’s great for the upper grade elementary class Halloween parties!
I’m wondering if you have a pdf of the “Create your own VooDoo Donut” sheet. A lot of work was put into that! I’d love to print it off and do the same for our 4th grade class Halloween party this year.
I am so glad you like it! Unfortunately I am not able to give that out due to copyright issues I didn’t know about when I made it. However, if you want to sign up for my email list (on the home page in the sidebar), I can send out a new one if I get one made in the next few days! =)
Hi Shannon! This is such a neat idea for a party that I hope to recreate in my classroom next week. Would I be able to get a PDF of the signs that you created? They are really neat! Thanks.
Thanks for stopping by Kerri! Unfortunately I am unable to send out the exact signs I used because of copyright issues I didn’t know about when I did this party. However, because there has been enough interest, I am happy to try and get the donut sign made at least! If you sign up for my newsletter (in the sidebar of my homepage), I can send it out if I get it done in the next few days. Hope that helps! =)
Hi. I was also wondering about the donut PDF sign as well. I signed up to get emails already. Could I get a copy of the design a donut printout?
Thanks so much!